Monday, October 2, 2017

Hey, I just found out I am a racist.

Just found out I am a racist.

A few days ago I found out that Librarian, Liz Soeiro  has refused a gift 
of four Dr. Seuss books from Melania Trump because they are racist.
My three over 30 year old children have all read these books. Everyone their age read 
them in school. The rhyming is good for speech in little ones. 
Not a fan of the drawings but I understand the color choices.
Well they are racist. 
She refused these books criticizing the Trump Administration.

What I wonder is if Michelle Obama sent these books would they still be racist ?
And by the way President Obama is a fan of Dr. Seuss books and
Michelle Obama has dressed up as and read Dr. Seuss books.

Now after the horrible shooting in Las Vegas, 
CBS Vice President Hayley Geftman-Gold has said she was " not even 
sympathetic" to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting because 
"country music fans are often Republican".

Okey...  I am a  Democrat who like Country Music. 

Hillary Clinton called me a Deplorable.
Because I/we did not support her. I didn't support Trump either.

Meryl Streep said if it wasn't for the east and west coast,  all the arts
we would be watching football and mixed martial art. 
I have been a Democrat all my life.

I like Country Music.

Have read The Cat In The Hat way too many times.

I guess I am a Deplorable because I follow the laws of the United States.

I do not like Football but enjoy Baseball very much.
And I started to take a Mixed Martial Art class that uses a cane.
Art come from everywhere, not just the east and west coast.

 just saying....

cheers,  parsnip


  1. I don't even know what to say about all that nonsense. This country has gone crazy. Crazy.

  2. I hear ya, Parsnip. The Us vs Them thing has really mushroomed. And who makes up the Us and who is Them appears to be fluid.

    That librarian must be a reformed racist because she was photographed a few years ago wearing a Cat in the Hat costume!

    As for somebody who would have no sympathy for shooting victims....that's just sick. Apparently, that CBS exec has been fired over that remark.

    Meanwhile, I reckon I'm deplorable too.

    Now then, how about some video of you in action with that martial art cane? LOL

    1. I had to stop the martial arts but hope to take it up again. A walker, cane and a Scotty I am so ready.

  3. You just can't win in a politically correct world.

    Dr. Seuss, racist? Now that's just stupid. I didn't really support Hillary, and I'm as anti-Trump as it gets without being illegal, but I don't think anyone should blame Melania because she's married to him. She's kept a pretty low profile for a First Lady--but then, it seems like Ivanka has taken over in that department.

    1. So True. If being a Country Music fan makes you a "Republican" then count me in. Just look at how "the Republicans" responded to save others at the Music Show.
      Goodness I cannot believe she said that.

  4. I read that about Dr. Seuss too, almost too funny for words. Guess I'm a racist too. I've been a Democrat and a Republican, now I'm an Independent. I like Country Music, I just get worse and worse.
    Democrats are why I don't live in California any more. It's a sad old world we live in.

    1. I am an Independent but in Arizona to vote in a primary you must pick a party.
      I lived in Southern California for over 45 years. I loved where I lived and my friends but you couldn't pay me to move back there. It is a huge mess. I would move to Northern California if you didn't have to listen to LA or San Francisco.

  5. Everyone has gone insane. I want to move farther into the boonies.

  6. Sigh, it seems everything is racist lately.

  7. The librarian could have simply said she was refusing them because they were coming from a Trump. Though to be fair, I feel sorry for Melania. Her, her son, and Tiffany are the only members of that family that deserve any empathy.

    As to that television executive, saying that is going to haunt her for the rest of her life.

  8. The librarian was an idiot! Her job was to accept the books for the library, not make a personal political statement. Dr Seuss racist? I have no words to even try to understand how she connected all of that, so I'll leave it to smarter people than me. The CBS VP? Another idiot who needed to be fired! The problem with far too many tv execs is that they have no idea what the real world is like and have pre-conceived ideas that show in their programming! (Don't get me started!) It pains me that we seem to have lost our ability to simply speak to each other without resorting to name calling. This attitude of "my way or the highway" is as true on the left as it is the right. The extremes seem to dominate and the rest of us are caught in the middle!

    All I know is that we have shared ideas and have agreed, and we've also disagreed, but I have never felt disrespected by you, nor have I ever disrespected you! Maybe one day that will be the norm again in our society! xoxo

  9. I know what you mean Savannah. I so enjoy and have been interested in all your posts.
    Really do not understand what the world is now.

  10. Can't begin to imagine why anyone would want to hurt or kill innocent people, no matter the type of music they like.

  11. ARRRRRRGH! Dr. Seuss books racist??? Bah, humbug! That librarian is a nutcase. But the TV exec? Saying something that unredeemably vile and hate-filled about the Vegas victims just leaves me speechless. Whatever happened to empathy? I NEVER thought I'd see the day when the country is so divided that empathy loses its place at the table.

  12. As Savannah says the extremes do seem to dominate. The situation is similar across many countries now. All we can do is think about what we say ourselves and not climb on the hateful bandwagons that are trundling around the earth right now.

  13. People are getting crazier and crazier. Including our current leader.

    What happened to the sensible middle-of-the-roaders who used to kind of rein in all the crazies? What happened to trying to see someone else's point of view and, even if we don't agree, be tolerant of them expressing it? Why are we so quick to jump on anyone whose opinion is different?

    And I must admit, I'm as bad as anyone else. I'm trying to do better though.
