Or as I call him, nonononononono no
owowowowowowowowwow ow
quitquitquitquitquit quit
How can someone this cute be so naughty.
The Mandibles of Doom !
Just look at the needle teeth.
Woe oh woe is me !
as thehamish would say.
No no no no here he is !
Oh hell here he comes !
The last Bark Box with thehamish name on it came.
This month's box was full of Space Aliens in honor of the Eclipse ?
spacealiens phiff
winston will protect the earth
but first chkikin'
can only be thinkin' of chkikin'
must protect chkikin'
chkikin' gudgud gud
Last walk before bedtime...
He likes to stand by the light and waits for the bugs to fly in so he can eat them.
bugies is tastin' like chkikin' bugs is gud chkikin' gud
winston is gud
Another early morning sunrise.
Well, if I am up I might as well take a photo.
As always here is your pretty to start the week.

Two blooms on a Cholla Cactus.
I like the flatness of this photo.
At the Emergency Hospital that we rushed thehamish to that last very early morning,
they said to us that they made a paw print for us that they would send later.
I assumed it would be a ink print like the Pet Cemetery gave us.
A package came in the mail and when I opened it... a heart was inside.
It means so much for us to have both these little sweet footprints.

Thank You all for the cards and comments.
You can never know what they all mean to me.
It makes me so happy to know my Little Square Black Dogs
have touched so many people around the blog world.
They were wonderful, lovely, happy, sweet gud dugs.
I think I hear them walking about the home.
I have just started to read some blogs and comment, I hope to be back soon.
For for now I am just trying to catch up with my life.
cheers, parsnip
woof !