Sunday morning at my home.

A very cold storm blew in starting at the west coast heading to the east coast.
Dropping huge amounts of rain and snow and causing havoc.
For us desert dwellers in Tucson this storm came very early, January early.
November is usually filled with nice days in the 75's not 65 as it was today.
Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday in America,
Family and friend get together to enjoy the day and have a lovely meal..
Food is cook all day, the home is enveloped in the aromas of cooking turkey,
dressing, veggies, pies and cookies.
While games are played outside or everyone watching a football game on the TV.
After the meal, naps are taken then more nibbling begins with extra pies to be eaten.
When my Mum was alive she cooked our family's Thanksgiving dinner.
Fabulous meals filled with love and fun.
No matter if we were struggling that year,
there was always a wonderful meal on the table.
I don't know how she did it looking back now.
She could cook a meal from almost nothing.
I do hope I told her how much I loved her cooking, I am pretty sure I did
but what do little children know ? Excepted Mum and Dad will take care of them.
Lovely memories wrap around me just thinking of my childhood holidays.
And then I got married and lived far away
and I ended up at my MIL home for Thanksgiving.
The complaints would start the week before.
Then the horror stories would begin of all the hard work she put in to make this meal.
No one was ever allowed to cook Thanksgiving dinner but her.
I learned to just get through the day.
I learned to despise Thanksgiving. Or maybe apathetic is a better word ?
But my story of woe has a happy ending.
My husband became my x
and I no longer had to go over to his families for the Holidays.
My children grew up and became wonderful cooks.
Daughter and her partner are vegetarians and daughter is wizard with veggies.
They both love to find new dishes to bring to the table.
This year is no exception.
They love this holiday as much as I learned to be apathetic about it and
have renewed my enjoyment of the day.
Son is also a wonderful cook and will make his special turkey dish.
Several years ago he was looking through one of my Ina Garten's cookbooks
and found one recipe that he like and just made it.
He now makes it every year if he is home.
Thank You, Ina !
Just enough for two of us with some left overs.
Daughter and partner will be bring several new dishes to the table this year
and I am so looking forward them.
So once again the joy and fun of Thanksgiving is in my heart and home.
Even though there are only four of us plus four furry friends (who love turkey) our
Thanksgiving will be lovely.
And just because I can here is your pretty to start the week.