Thanksgiving Dinner was wonderful as usual but I love the next day leftovers the best.
Warm sandwiches made with turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberries, corn pudding, green beans and gravy. Perfection on a plate.
Several years ago I stopped cooking a whole turkey and Adam started to made Ina Garden's Turkey Roundel. He also changed up her stuffing and made it his own. Perfect just wonderful.
This is so fabulous.
"Sparrow Tree Journal" showed her wonderful Christmas Plant on her blog. It is beautiful plant with red blooms. So I thought I would post my white blooms. This plant is only 2 years old. all my older plants died off in a bad freeze and were accidentally tossed away. Bummer ! I was trying to save them.
iwinston loves his blue pillow.
iwinston also loved his dinner or maybe was hopping to love this dinner.
I was watching Brokenwood Mysteries and saw Agatha staring in an episode. I know she is very talented but when did she find time to star in a New Zealand TV Show !
Here is your pretty for the weekend.
Post by iwinston and Agatha