Monday, November 27, 2017

Still on the job

hello its' monday and iwinston is on the job
this is big mystery iwinston is now workin' on
thinkin' is' hard
hard hard hard


 iwinston is just restin' my eyes from long night of pawtrollin'

 stakin' out the crime scene

 nice tall person who feeds me iwinston gots' new blankie
she is tellin' me it is for nice tall person who feeds me
we all know this is for iwinston


As always here is your pretty to start the week.
Early morning shadows.


cheers,  parsnip

Friday, November 24, 2017

Square Dogs Friday, new job

Best day of the week is here
Square Dog Friday !
So let's woof it.
iwinston got a job
 nice tall person  who feeds me told me iwinston that iwinston needs a job
a job what ever that is besides being cute funny cute and more cute
iwinston is workin' in security not knowin' that word what that is but iwinston will be workin'

this is iwinston learnin' what to be doin'
some barkin' is gud

iwinston is watching you
Here we go again...
today it is green toys not sure why he drops toys in the hole
like he does and why he plays with one color ?

Love this photo !
kawaii !


iwinston is on the job what ever thats' meanin'

 iwinston first big case
its' mystery of who is diggin' in nice tall person rocks

iwinston is thinkin' hard about this mystery and that is hard to do for iwinston
iwinston is thinkin' this is hard job
do iwinston get chkikin'
needin' chkikin'

As always here is your pretty to start the weekend.


One last Thanksgiving dinner to view.
Adam is a fabulous chef.
He made Ina Garten's Stuffed Turkey Roulade. Absolutely perfect !
I made Hatch green chile spoon cornbread, green beans, and oven baked potatoes.
Lovely !

cheers,  parsnip

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving !

Saguaros usually bloom in late spring early summer.
Very out of season some Saguaros are blooming again.

Happy Thanksgiving !

cheers,  parsnip

Monday, November 20, 2017

Autumn Monday morning . . .

Fall is here, finally !
56 at 6:45 this morning.
So cool so nice we desert people love our Fall.

 View from my front door.

 Looking east.


After the very hot Summer, Fall is much appreciated.


As always just because I can here is your pretty to start the week.

 Even though we had to cut down the grapefruit tree because of massive freeze damage,
the stump sent out new growth. Which now is laden with too much fruit.

 Not sure if I posted this photo of bad bad bad, gud dug puppy attacking the wall
near my computer desk. He is a big gud dug now at 6 months.  He would never
do this now !  wahahahahahahahaha

 No Words !
So mean !
Bad !

cheers,  parsnip

Friday, November 17, 2017

Square Dog Friday, not doin' it

Best day ever. . . Square Dog Friday !
woof !

 not bein' fair to iwinston
not diggin' in the grassy or dirt
iwinston found the kittydirt that you be lettin' the katties have for diggin' 
iwinston like diggin'
why no pan of dirt for iwintston
diggin' gud diggin' fun

 iwinston gots mail


 iwinston in action 

 iwinston is liken' apples

 iwinston is needin' nap after playing apple

 thehamish usually slept with the tip of his tongue showing.
So sweet, I miss that, i miss him.

iwinston has his teeth showing sometimes.

 I have no words !

 Son brought me some small pears and apples.

 Very lovely.
I have some double walled glass cups for espresso,
I filled them with the fruit for no reason.
I think it is pretty.

 OK, iwinston is crazy.
I came outside and he was playing with all his pink toys.
They were spread out around him.
He saw me ran over with one toy put it down.
Then ran back for another toy. He picked one and ran back to the first toy, and dropped it.
Then he picked up the first toy and ran back to the third toy.  
Dropped the first toy, took the third toy ran to the second toy.
Dropped it and looked at me.

I have no words !


Here is your pretty for the end of week !

Scotties are the cats of the gud dug world.

cheers,  parsnip

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Monday, so good to me. . .

Early morning at iwinston's home.

Pretty sunrises this weekend. The morning temperatures are a lovely cool 56 
but the days are  still too warm. 
Yesterday our high was 89, hottest city in the United States.
This is 10/15 degrees higher than it should be.

Fall is the most lovely season in Tucson, after our very hot summers.
We all love our Fall days in the 70's.

Early mornings.




Mondays sunrise.




 So wonderful, so quiet and beautiful.
Love hearing the birds.

yesh iwinston is like sitting next to nice tall person who feeds me iwinston
iwinston is findin' out my name was to be hoover
guessing thats' ok but real name is
manadable scourge and very pretty scotty of the desert land and beyound

 Morning find !
He dropped (?) his piggie into one of his small digging spot.


As alway just because I can here is your start of the week pretty.

Looking for a baby gift and found this. Love it !
What a hoot.
Love the little pea running with joy.

cheers,  parsnip