Afternoon Walk, Son with the Gud Dugs.
Stay safe and be well.
parsnip xx
Afternoon Walk, Son with the Gud Dugs.
Stay safe and be well.
parsnip xx
Sir Winston Manadables Churchill !
iwinston is sorta fine but not really. Not the same gud dug.
I have several options to think about helping him. New xrays on his Left leg the one we didn't operate on. Maybe it has grown more when we thought it would be ok ? A week or two with friends at his Puppy Boot Camp Trainers Ranch. Or just wait it out with water therapy ?
.Miss Agatha or Udon, she is a Japanese noodle.
She cracked her back tooth in half had to have surgery to remove it all.
Didn't faze her at all.
Trying to get a few thing done before December.
Fountain fixed new light installed.
Winter grass planted fenced off for 2 weeks
Gud Dugs not happy.
New lights placed outside around Gud Dug window. Color lights inside .
Here is your pretty for the weekend.
Internet was a mess again but son finally got it to work.
Winston is still no better.
Of course iwinston is more important but I am so sad and worried about him. He is putting weight on the leg now but that is about all. I am thinking of calling his Puppy Boot Camp trainer and see if he could help us out. Maybe a trip to the country to run around with old friends and some horses will help.
I am out of answers for questions I do not even know to ask.
Some Gud Dug News.
Granddaughter in a special class outing, pick what you would like to work at. She picked Ice Cream Shop Owner and a Welder. I just adore this child.