Beginning of a new week.
When I am not taking thehamish to his two vets appointments,
for his eyes and more liver tests.
I will be working in my garden this week. I am so late starting.
Summer is almost here in Tucson.
Summer is almost here in Tucson.
But I will make up time because I have some of the best helpers.
This is a garden we planted 3 years ago.
thehamish is helping me.
yesh i thehamish is planting chkikin' strips
need to grow them now
are they ready now ?
are they ready now ?
Watson and thehamish guarding the garden from chkikin' strips poachers.
yesh i thehamish and Watson are gud watch dugs
Watson has a sweet tooth and he likes strawberries.
Now back to Monday.
Today we transplanted some succulents.
I don't especially like succulents but here in the desert it is cactus in the sun
and succulents in the shade. So I look for the ones that have some interest for me.
Either in shape, color or size.
Either in shape, color or size.
Kalanchoe Luciae.
Love the pale aqua flat leaves with a blush of rose red on the edge.
The leaves look more lime green in these photos but they do have a aqua tint.
Echeverig Medalion
Love the burnished rose bronze leaves with the edge of bright lime/yellow.
It also picks up the rim of of the pot nicely.
Of course here is my helper.
How can that be comfortable ?
ummmmm i thehamish is sleepin'
not bother me
not bother me
workin' is hard
chikin' strips gud
And here is your pretty for the start of the week.
The Century Plant is growing like crazy.
That is one huge stalk !
The Agave expels so much energy as the stalk grows so fast and then blooms
no wonder the plant dies after it blooms.
garden. . . parsnip
music. . .Monday Monday, The Mammas & The Pappas