Well here it is again the best day of the week.
Square Dog Friday !
Let's woof it.
thehamish before his appointment with History !
At least in his mind
He went for his appointment with the specialist and all turned out great.
His insides are looking good and he does not have Cushing.
Yea !
But we still don't know why he is having these episodes.
I think it might have something to do with his diabetes or his eyes
but I just don't know.
So I am now tracking his time between his insulin shots.
The vet wants 12 hours between shots which can be very hard on him and me.
He is on a Gastro Intestinal Low Fat canned dog food,
to keep his peritonitis under control but he gets very hungry by dinner time.
He is on a limited diet and has few choices for any extras, not even carrots !
thehamish loves carrots, he is a little bun bun.
He was still somewhat drugged when we picked him up.
He was quite miffed and he wouldn't look at me.
I think it was because when I dropped him off early at the Vet he stood there head down
as I was talking to the assistant. He looked at her, looked at me and then walked to the door.
He stood there touching the door with the top of his head.
He wanted to go home, he was not very happy.
It was so sad, I was in tears when I saw that.
A few days before the doctors visit
I was sitting outside with him playing a easy game of toss.
Suddenly he became Adventure Dog !
The small yellow toy bounced under the sage plant.
i thehamish huntin' for toy
huntin'huntin' huntin'
i thehamish thinkin' i thehamish is findin' it
(you can see it to the right of his head)
i thehamish is findin' it
i got's the toy
action shot of i thehamish jumpin' over the grand canyon
i thehamish is adventure dog
then i thehamish destroyed the toy lookin' for the treasure
see i gud adventure dug
i thehamish found the squeak treasure but not chkikin'
And as alway here is your pretty for the start of the weekend.
It is very warm here about 84/56. Not our typical February.
This is the cold month that we usually get our winter rain.
But right now it is spring weather and I want rain !
The nice part of this weather is we have had some wonderful sunsets.
Sunset views from the backyard.
Plus a pretty moon shot from the day before.
happy. . . parsnip
music. . . Summertime, The Zombies