Friday, August 14, 2020

Square Dog Friday... mandibles is doing great !

The Doctor called today and is very happy with iwinston's progress. 

His bones are healing so well that you can barely see where the bones were cut.
As he was talking to me about "mandibles" special care, no running or jumping I look across the room as iwinston is running after Agatha and jumping on to the ottomans ! 
Ummmmm . . . I did not mention this to him.
We still have 4 more weeks of the cast and then on to more specialised care.
Life with a Scotty.


yesh iagatha maybe operated on  iwinstons favorite black toy iwinston was not playing with it


No Words !

As always here is your pretty for the start of the weekend.


Many puppies !

Stay safe
cheers,  parsnip




Friday, August 7, 2020

Square Dog Friday: Week 4

Next Tuesday it will be X-Rays and we shall see how things are.

iwinston me gud dug iwinston has learned how to go fast fast pick up bad leg and run on other legs iwinston goes fast
nice tall person who beig' takin' care of me is not happy iwinston be fast 
iwinston be liken fast fast fast

what about me iagatha the gud dug
belikin' the wind i be pretty gud dug iagatha

As always here is your pretty to start the weekend

photos from  1 year ago week of August 9

Stay safe and be well.

cheers, parsnip

I am not sure how this will post using new blog page.

Monday, August 3, 2020

So I dropped the watermelon...

... and it didn't burst open
Yea Me  !
 watermelon landed on my toes.
Oh Woe is me.


 I took iwinston off the cone but now he has a huge setback. Mandatory bedrest !
It is hard keeping a Gud Scotty down.

Monsoon storm hell.

 Cabinet next to my computer.

 iagatha is a scared, pretty pretty princess.
I feel so bad for her but we have tried everything.

Here is your pretty to start the week.

 Tsunami of Monsoon clouds.

Sunset colors looking east.

Be Well !