Monday, January 30, 2017

One of those Mondays...

Picasa still not working so I tried a roundabout and these photos posted !
Hurrah,  I think ?
We will see if I can get this to work a second time.

The sun reflecting the glass ball on the bowl that sits on the kitchen nook table.
Reminds me of a Nautilus shell.

 One of the Agave family.


And just because I can here is your pretty for the start of the week.

Yes, GODZILLA is my hero !
Along with TOTORO.

light. . . parsnip
music. . . Until You Come Back To Me,  Aretha Franklin

Friday, January 27, 2017

Square Dog Friday. . . picasa breakdown

It has been the week from hell.
If anything could break, fall, mess-up, late payment or be sick
this was the week.
Can not download any new thehamish photos or storm photos.
So we will have a flashback Friday.

 i gud dug thehamish is hearing nice person who feeds us said this is lookin' like 
i thehamish  no no no woe woe woe 

Watson and the hamish were playing ball and it
 hopped into the cabinet...
 Watson was looking for it...
 of course thehamish charges in...

 I like his little bum...

 yes just get in there thehamish...

 ummmm i thehamish is now knowin' where it went 

          One of my favorite photo of thehamish.

This is so thehamish. 
Watson would be napping in the basket and thehamish would just crawl in.
Watson was his anchor, his touchstone, his friend. 
Watson was so gentle with him, understanding and compassionate. 
He was always looking out for thehamish
And thehamish is lost without him, we are too. 
That is why I have been trying to find him a friend.
We can't seem to find one that meshes with all of us.
The latest meet just was not right. Which is so sad.
She was a nice gud dug but was more interested in people and not another dog.

thehamish is back to see the Vet on Tuesday. 
We will be checking out what his liver numbers are. Then another test.
This has been a super bad week for him and me.
I am as lost as thehamish is.


As always here is your pretty for the weekend.
My family loves Badgers. 
Since I do not live where there are many badger and see their destruction
(we have many other critters that are destructive) but I still love them.
It upset me to read about the Badger culling.
Even when the badger does something good like the finding of this 
Bronze Age treasure, the archaeologist had something bad to say about the Badger.
He scratched the pieces. Well big boo hoo ! Pull up your big boy panties.
If it wasn't for the badger you wouldn't have this find.

 Anyways I love the photo and it makes me so happy to see and read this.

badger . . parsnip
music. . . Cadillac, Cadillac,  Train

Monday, January 23, 2017

Awful Sunday Better Monday...

Had the terrible, no good, awful, very bad Sunday.
Then to make it better.... went on to picasa to find a photo.
Made me feel awful at the way picasa has messed up my photos !
But while trying to find the photo I ran across so many that made me feel much better.
So here are some in no order !
 thehamish sits on the pillows and grows at what he sees out their window !
Yesterday it was a coyote, huge siamese cat that I see off and on, and some javelinas.

 photo bomb

Mia modeling hats for an ad

 Mighty Morphing Superhero Mia !

 Two of my handmade books

Same phone but several years apart.


As always here is your pretty to start the week

My favorite photo of my sweet baboo Watson.

photos. . . parsnip
music. . . Kisses at the Airport,  Cassadee pope