Sunday, June 30, 2019

Apology to Janie. . .....

Sometimes I am an ass.
I try not to be but sometimes stuff happens.

A wonderful blog friend posted her feelings on her blog.
Instead of me saying I am sorry your not feeling well I kinda' or did stomp my feelings 
all over her commentators comments.
I try not to be a jerk that is why I post about my gud dugs and not my feelings.

Sorry Janie be well and feel better soon.
I was a big jerk ! 
gayle xx

Friday, June 28, 2019

Square Dog Friday, Doggie door

Best Day of the week is here, so lets woof it.
woof !

Alert !
Please turn sound down when watching.

I set this video up trying to show how cute they are.  They usually
just power through the door. They didn't quite get the should we or not
come in till I used the magic word !

Agatha learned the doggie dog in one try, it helps that she always has to know where I am.
iwinston does not like the doggie door. We think he does not like the magnet flap
part of the when pushing the door in.
He helped the gardner repairing the sprinkler by sticking his head all the way in
narrow hole past his ears but doesn't like the door flap ?
I love the way he looks while waiting to come in. A black gud dug shadow trying to
figure how to get past the flap.
woof !


Here is your pretty to start the weekend.

I have been ill for a few weeks and cancelled everything 
except taking care of the gud bad bad dugs.

When I got up this morning to open the door for the gud dugs, I heard the weather report
saying a few clouds with "some" rain where blowing in. So here is the first rain photos
 but not a true monsoon till the first boy/male (last post)  driver get stuck in the rain.

 Clouds with UFO !

 UFO almost gone.

Rain !

cheers,  parsnip

Friday, June 21, 2019

Square Dog Friday alert alert alert

Square Dog Friday is here !

alert alert alert
dangerdanger danger
come see woofwoof woof
 danger danger danger woofwoofwoof arf

 nice tall person mum who feeds us are you be needing help ?

This is gud dug Agatha.
When I adopted her from a rescue she had been with a hoarder and she had puppies.
I didn't ask about the pups.
I still look at the gud dugs up for adoption. I have been thinking of adopting
a very old gud dug who needs a home or at least fostering.

Guess what I saw ?
Puppies who look like Agatha ! They are all about a year + which would
be the age of her puppies ! They are at different shelters but all adorable.

Argh ! the cuteness.

Winston is at the groomers today, getting his herbal body wrap.
The second he gets home he has a drink of water and rolls in the grass !
So getting a good photo of him is not that easy.
He still has his Badger strips, Thank Goodness !



Here is your pretty for the start of the weekend.
Today is the first day of summer !
This is what it looks like now, hot hot hot !
No clouds no rain.

 Monsoon Season started last Saturday. So far the rains have not come.
I do not care what the weather people say ... it is not monsoon till a 20 to 30
year old boy/man (?)  tries to drive his car around the "Do Not Enter When Flooded"
signs and get stuck in the flooded river or the Stone Avenue underpass. Then has to be rescued !
That is the start of the Monsoon Season!

cheers, parsnip

Friday, June 14, 2019

Square Dog Friday !

Square Dog Friday fun.

 Agatha is napping on top of her crate.

 She likes the high ground.
I wonder about her "before" life.

 Reflections on my outdoor table.
Love the dog toy that is in the photo.
 Weaver, wanted to know how long or when the stalk would stop growing and finally bloom.
Well, it stopped growing finally and just started to bloom. 
Sad part though is when the buds bloom the bottom of the plant starts to dry up and die.

 This drying up  start so fast and for me is a sad time for me
but a great time for the animals.

Just starting to bloom.
The birds are very happy.

As alway here is your pretty to start the weekend.

 The monsoons are coming.
Photos from the last few years. More to come !

cheers,  parsnip

Friday, June 7, 2019

Square Dog Friday, on the job

Square Dog Friday best day of the week.
So lets woof it
woof. . .

Long time handyman/gardener is working, digging up a sprinkler.

yesh iwinston is lookin[' at what is goin' on here

agatha is lookin' she kina; not likin men
nice tall person with shovel is diggin' hey whats goin' on iwinson best digger

iwinston inspecting yesh this is gud diggin'

If you look he has his face past his eyes into the sprinkler hole.
That a Scotty for you !

iwinston found a sticker on the floor iwinston alway searchin'

This is very typical of them. iwinston always looking out while
Agatha is always looking for me at the door.

Agatha is laying down but still on the search for intruders.


As always here is your pretty to start the weekend.

Moon at sunset.

Saguaro with a nest.

cheers,  parsnip
aurg !
Still having comcast/computer problems and I destroyed my phone !
Dropped it one too many times