Friday, April 7, 2023

Another Day, Month and/or Maybe Year ?

Trying to find time anytime for my life.  It is not that easy. Where does time go ?

Son doing so much better with back and forth to hospital and therapy for the heat attack.
He is even back to work at University with a shorter work day.  

My eyes have gotten worst, especially the right one. Doctor will try something different on  my Wednesday injection  appointment.  Both eyes are quite painful and it hurts to read or do anything.

All I have been doing is sleeping and eating. Not So Great !

Still having so much trouble with "thewatson" Making appointment with the trainer to come to our home to evaluate his reaction to David and out of control barking.

Now what is this... Scotties massing over on the computer desk ? ! !

But wait, what is this new group ? ! !
Sneakattack ?

What I don't need is another vase but I saw this openwork one and.....
                                  Agatha, poor boo boo kitty is not understanding broken lawnmower.
 Winston had to look at the lawnmower and all they saw was a mess.
So much rain and so much grass growth clogged up the mower.
We have to wait for it to dry.

Two ways of enjoying the Sun.
This Winston is the best boy !
We all need a mid-walk nap.

cheers, parsnip
Happy Easter !



  1. Happy Easter. Glad to learn your son is doing so well. Wishing you better days very soon.

  2. Good news about your son! Sorry to hear your eyes are giving you so much trouble and I hope the doctor can help. Happy Easter to you and your gud dogs!

  3. Happy Easter! I haven't been around much lately. Sorry to hear of son's heart attack. So glad he's doing better. Hope you will be doing better soon. Love the Winston and Agatha pictures.

  4. Happy Easter Holiday, glad to your son is doing well.

  5. The eyes... ouch ouch ouch. I'm sorry they've gotten worse.

  6. Hope the doctor helps you with your eye. Glad your son is doing better. That sounds scary.

  7. I'm glad to hear the news about your son. It's so miserable when eyes give trouble. Do you use UV eye protection? It can help.
