Monday, December 10, 2018

10 December

Not a very Christmas video but I love to hear the crunching.
fud fud is gud
iwinston is liken' fud
truffles, agatha and iwinston


The last Christmas photo with thehamish.
He was a tank with a heart of gold.


We have had some rain off and on in the last few days.
The air is cold and crisp for Tucson but lots of sunshine.

 Winston loves the cool weather and stays out in it as much as he can.
He will curl up on almost anything to watch or sleep.

it is iwinston who is lookin' gud
santa is comin'

Here is your Monday pretty.
Last summer my Christmas cactus was looking droopy and I put it outside 
to fluff up and get some fresh air, some water and neglect. It is doing fabulous.

cheers,  parsnip and badger


  1. Looks like he's ready for Christmas. We're having a cooler than normal December with way too much rain.

    1. Our december is cooler but so beautiful. Sorry about all the rain.

  2. I love Christmas cactus. Once you find the absolute right position it really thrives.

  3. Ha! I thought I was the only one who loved the sound of dogs crunching their food! That Christmas cactus looks great. When it's in full bloom- it's sure to be gorgeous!

  4. Hi, Gayle!

    That crunching sound is music to my ears, dear friend. All is right with the world when a hungry dog is gobbling its gud fud. That video multiplies the joy 3X.

    I well remember that Christmas picture of thehamish because I saved it and used it as my desktop background last year. Thanks for reminding me to use it again this holiday.

    It doesn't surprise me black gud dug Winston enjoys the cold weather. I imagine the javelina appreciate the break from the heat as well.

    I agree that a little neglect often works wonders for a cactus. :)

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend Gayle!

  5. Those three are just too cute! My Christmas cactus hasn't bloomed this year and I'm starting to think this might just be a "skip year" for my little plant! xox

  6. They are cute.
    I think you have to find a happy spot and let it be.

  7. We all do better in cool weather, not to be confused with cold weather.

    I have some 40 + year old plants that I ignore. They look good and have survived with one watering a week. I sometimes think that I should repot them but they probably would either die or outlive me.

    1. Some plants like to be root bound
      say yes for cool weather.

  8. I've got a pink Christmas Cactus given me by a very dear friend. Last year I got the watering all wrong but this year we have cracked it and she's festooned with pink flowers.

    I love that Photo of theHamish, such kindness in his eyes. And as for iwinston, his expressions are so cheeky! Sweet picture of the pack all eating together.

  9. Oh my gosh, look at them enjoying their meal. Too cute!

  10. I love those crunching sounds :-) They are just so cute dining together!
    Awww Winston, Santa is on his way to see you!
