Square Dog Friday
Usually the best day of the week but a great sadness has enveloped our home.
After a month long visit Mia and Yuko are back in Japan.
Someone is really missing Mia.
iwinston is sad fun little tall person who likes me is not here
woe oh woe is me
iwinston is lookin' for her
sadness is a sadness in my head
iwinston is sad
sad iwinston is lookin' and sniffin' they are gone
sadness is not gud for a gud dug
iwinston is not knowin'
woe oh woe is me iwinston
sosadsad sad sad is iwinston
Mia has turned 8 and is quite an artist. She can draw anything.
She went to a Birthday Party and her gift was a small Shinkansen Bullet Train set.
I gave her a paper to draw a card. She drew the Shinkansen train.
The inside of the card.
She even drew his baby sister next to their cat and dog not sure about the deer or tall dog.
Some photos from the week.
This was just over the hill but we did not get any rain.
As always here is your pretty for the start of the weekend.
Yuko and Mia few back to Japan.
After a month visit we all miss them very much and a Gud Dug really misses Mia !
A photo Mia took of Mt. Fuji from the window of the plane.
She is really becoming a wonderful photographer.
cheers, parsnip and badger