Wednesday, July 18, 2018

monsoon clouds.

Monsoons have started.
We need the rain. Arizona is very dry and we have several wildfires burning


Some bad bad bad gud dug photos.

Some digging, maybe

  iwinston gud dug
gud bye'

cheers,  parsnip


  1. Hi, Gayle!

    Desert monsoons create wonderful photo ops and your camera captured some stunning images, dear friend. I hope the thirsty land gets much needed moisture and you and Winston get relief from the searing heat of summer. Looks like someone's been digging for buried treasure. I blame the peccary... or Oliver... or Merida... or them lizzerds. It couldn't have been K-9 security officer Winston!

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Gayle!

  2. Very rainy summer here, have had rain nearly every day. Thanks for my gud dog photo.

  3. Get your umbrella out ready Winston - monsoons are on their way.

  4. We could use the rain too.

    Winston, was that maybe the javelinas who did that digging?

    The illumination of the landscape in that first shot is amazing.

  5. Won't have to clip his nails for awhile. The dogs next door dig holes all over their yard. Mine used to love to dig up the mole tunnels at the farm. I think the cats were better at catching them than the weenies.

  6. Hi parsnip - so THAT'S where our rain is, you are hogging it!!! Send it across the pond please, desperately needed here!

    1. I can not wrap my mind around a dray UK. Every time I visited it rained and the countryside was lush green.

  7. It must have felt so good to Winston to have a good dig in the gravel/sand. Fuzzy Pom likes to dig in his doggy bed, or when outside, dig and shred grass and kick it up and all over his back, anointing himself with cool grass bits and fleas.

    If I lived where you do, I'd always be worried fires at this time of year. Here we have tornadoes. I guess there's always something everywhere. Your photographs of the mountains and sky are wonderful, but that young Winston always steals the spotlight.

    1. Winston likes to dig on anything it is so cute and funny.
      He is a digger first time I have had one.

  8. Beautiful photos! Glad you are getting nice monsoon rain.
    Ah Winston, that looks like a big hole you dug! But you are cute, adorable, and gud dug :-)

    1. Hoping for more rain. He has two places he digs now so it is under controlled

  9. Love that second one. You can truly see the rain in the distance.

  10. You should have a photoblog, Gayle.

    Winston, as always, is adorable!

    1. I don't know what that is. Just a blog filled with photos only ?
      Isn't that instagram ? I need to find out what things are.
