Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday in Japan.... Totoro Rides A Fish

Another wonderful gift from Japanese family !
Totoro riding on a Red Koi (good luck) wind chime.
I saw him on the Ghibli Shop flyer and said to myself this is something I want !
I never told Japanese family that I wanted one but guess what gift I received from them, when they came for a visit.

As thehamish would say minemineminemineminemine mine !
So happy happy happy happy, they know me so well.


kawaii !

I love all the little glass wind-chines you see all over Japan.
My first real introduction  to them was from daughter.
When she was in High School one requirement for graduation was a language.
They did not offer Japanese which she wanted to take.  She applied to the principle to take evening classes at the Junior Collage for her High School credit.
In  her classes they would end with a Japanese TV show so they could hear Japanese spoken in everyday life.
One of the show she was watching happened to be on the LA Asian channel at the same time. So every morning we got up early to eat breakfast and watch the show before school.
The main character was a young teacher and would some times go home to see her Grandparents. They owned a goldfish store. The shop was next to a river in a beautiful town and the fish were in outside tanks.
The front of the house where the shop was, they had hanging from the eves glass goldfish windchimes.  I immediately wanted to go live in Japan and move into that home and sell goldfish and glass wind chimes.
On all my trips to Japan, I have never found a glass goldfish windchime.
But I have bought several others.

Morning glorys

Fireflies flying by a full moon

Colored dots


Took the photos at night so lots of reflection sorry about that.
I have them inside because they would not last a day outside in the Tucson winds.

and just because I can here is your mid-week pretty,
George the Scotty !

goldfish. . . parsnip
music. . . My Neighbor Totoro,  OST
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  1. And I have no doubt that those beautiful wind chimes sooth the square ones too Parsnip.

    1. The last one is in my studio above my computer and the few times I can have the door open I love to hear he soft sound.
      I have metal ones outside.

  2. Replies
    1. I really love them.
      They are all in the bathrooms except for the last one that is in my studio

  3. The winds would be a problem for objects like those. They're very nice!

    1. I have metal ones out side and hanging on my doors inside.

  4. I love wind chimes but I had one on the guest balcony and it kept them awake. Now it I tucked back out of the wind and is silent. I know I'm going to try it on my balcony.

  5. We have big brass Solari bells, and they sometimes sound like they would break in our wind.

  6. Very nice chimes. Your story reminded me of my teen dream to open a seashell shop. LOL

  7. Great story and what a fun collection of chimes!

  8. Even the box is so charming with Totoro and the fish, it must have been exciting to open the box and see the wind chime for the first time. :) Love the Scotty cards too!

  9. One loves the gentle and sonorous sounds of the wind chime.
