Square Dog Friday best day of the week is here.
In the words of The Terminator . . .
i'm back !
Remember this tiny wee sweet manadables of doom ?
Here he is on his first morning home.
This photo was taken right after he ate a little dead lizard.
I have no words.
Ears are almost up,
Forget cat ears, whiskers and radar.
winston ears win !
Son call them cactus ears.
bad gud dug i winston is wanting in so i winston can go back out again.
The next two photos are from his first night back. He likes to go potty in the same spot.
The sprinklers were on and he didn't care.
The photos are very grainy but you can just make him out.
No words or maybe just so much crazy.
I was sitting in the side yard that we are cleaning it up and
winston climbed up to sit in a pot of dirt next to me.
winston is only back for a week then he goes back to Paul's for about 3 more weeks
of training. He is one fireball of crazy.
Here is your pretty for the start to the weekend.
Check out at Cro's (Magnon's Meanderings) blog on my sidebar for Wednesday and Thursday.
He talks about the work of Julie Mehretu and then his similar work.
I commented on my Japanese's sons calligraphy work.
He was practicing on huge sheets of rice paper. When he gave it to me it was tearing
so he cut them into smaller pieces.
I then cut them smaller and framed them. I enjoy looking at them everyday.
Wonky photo
The 3rd one was knocked off and glass broken. It was put back wrong it need to be turned one flip to the right. It connects the two others on each side.
I have left it this way till I decided if I want it to go back they way I first had them.
They can stand on their own or together you can see some letters and words.
Some of the best art in my home is from this very talented son.
In fact all my three children are very talented and much of the art on my walls
is made by them. I am very lucky.
cheers, parsnip