Monday, September 30, 2013

Parley view parsnip. . . are you happy ?

John Grey and Weaver's blog recently talked about happiness.
What made them happy,  I find made me happy too. It wasn't material "things".
Coming from a very mentally abusive marriage, especially the last 10 years,
it is wonderful to wake up every morning away from constant strife.
Oh yes, I worry about my health, bills and what the heck is going on in the world.
But unlike my x who's manta was, the one who dies with the most toys wins.
Bigger house, newest car and phone plus more trips while trying to one up his business partner. All material things, mass consumption.
My  happiness comes from my family and friend, gud dugs and a very quiet lifestyle.
Like John and Weaver I too tried to come up with some material "things"
that would make me happier.
What I came up was an old Surfer Woody Station Wagon.
I grew up with The Beach Boys music and lived many years in Laguna Beach.
Hello... I live in the Sonoran Desert ! I have no waves to ride and don't need a  car to put my surf board on.
Plus when I was younger I only body surfed.
The possibility of walking without pain is another wanted item but I don't think that is a material thing. Or maybe it is ?

Here is what makes me happy everyday when I wake up.

Since I am up on a high hill I have no curtains on my windows and I wake up to this view every morning.
Saturday morning as I looked out this window a flock of small birds flew over my roof, past my window like surfers riding the crest of a wave.
Engulfed and caught up in the joy of riding, dipping in and out of the curl and then dropping deep into the valley below.

This valley below where I can watch the birds fly below me.
Or a hawk coasting on streams of air surrounded with the pure joy of flying as he catches an up-draft and zooms up and over my home.

On our hot summers days, this view starts my morning off lovely and cool.
Even though I know it is about 90 outside.

But of course this is the best view of all, Two Gud Square Dogs.
That is Dr. Watson with his two blankets to nest into. At 15 he can sleep how ever and where ever he wants. thehamish is in front as usual.

This is the view I check out next, herding the gud duggies out for their first walkies
of the morning.

Open the door and let out the thundering puppy feet but they are gone before I can get a photo.
There are lizards to catch !

 The studio widow where the amazing wildlife likes to mosey by.
I am always looking out this window to see who has stopped by for a visit.

My computer desk, no window but lots of favorite things to look at.

and just because I can here is your pretty to start the week.

Oh noes ! who is this photo bombing ?

could this be thehamish with a preview of Fridays post ?
yert !

happy. . . parsnip
music. . . Open Your Eyes,  Snow Patrol

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  1. Lovely post Parsnip, to remind us of the really important things. You live in such an incredibly beautiful spot and it's wonderful that it continues to bring you joy.

    1. Joanna, thanks for the kind words but your are suppose to walking around Paris and NOT reading my blog.
      I am living vicarious through YOUR blog !

      cheers, parsnip

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you John, I loved that post of yours !

      cheers, parsnip

  3. You are very lucky to live in such a place!

  4. I think the ability to appreciate what we have and to find contentment in our surroundings is the key to happiness. That and gud four-legged furry kids to love, of course.

  5. You have such a lovely view from your bed!

  6. I agree about the simple things which make us happy. I am just about to go for a walk on the beach with Bing - no doubt I will come across other dog owners who always seem to be smiling - a great start to any day, then back home and a day spent pottering. Preparing a nice supper for tonight then back to a spot of DIY - heaven! Yes happiness is so relative xxxx

  7. Your views would certainly cheer me up Parsnip. A lovely post indeed.

  8. I was a lot like your ex, Gayle. When I sold my first book, it was all about the money. Money was control. No one could push you around, tell you what you could do, as long as you had the money. I eventually realized that it not only wasn't true, I was actually more unhappy when I had it. Now, I don't care about money or bestseller lists or having the most toys. I guess with age really does come wisdom. Those two little bundles of black fur...that's got to be the real source of joy!

  9. Lovely to hear that you have joined our Happy Club Gayle. With that view, those dogs and the lovely computer table - what more could anyone wish for?

  10. Magnificent views, and nice fuzzy friends

  11. Beautiful views and puppies and I enjoyed seeing your computer desk too. :)

  12. What stunning views parsnip, dogs included. Blessed indeed.

    And hey, you have got a pool!

  13. p, you are such a unique person. And blast the mental abuse you endured from the person you were meant to trust most. I say that with conviction and grief. May you draw strength that doesn't ever falter from the sight of those desert mountains. I know that it is entirely possible.

    Keep being you. And may the day you wake up without pain come sooner rather than later.

  14. I imagined you were miles away from anywhere. I hadn't realised you - like me - were on a hill. Whatever - your situation is heavenly and you deserve it..
    BTW for some reason I cannot comment on your latest post. I wonder why we don't have the hot/cool cloths. Such a good idea.

  15. As «Louis» has commented to you previously, your house looks like it is an architectural gem.

    Also, «Louis» echoes Suze's comments...
