Tuesday, March 22, 2022

It was a dark and stormy night part 2


 Playing catch up.
So much has happened (part 1) over the last few months. 
I didn't even mentioned the Open Heart Surgery that my brother had at Christmas.
They kept delaying  and then they had an opening.

The last month you can see lots of cactus being covered by these cups. We have had some
freezing temps so you have to covered the new growth. 
I had forgotten that we only had red cups and when I saw this early morning view,
I first thought what is blooming now ?
I am so weird !

Love the side eye !

Agatha thinks if she sits quietly that Winston will forget her.
She blends in so nicely.

He was looking and gurrrrrrring at the Bunny !
Silly Winston,

Sweetheart !

I hope to try and catch up with my blog friend and start posting again.
Everyone be safe. So much awful everywhere.

cheers,  parsnip


  1. How wonderful it is to hear from you! The Gud Dugs look as cute as ever. Now how are YOU doing? I've been thinking about you so much lately. I do hope you are well. I hope your brother is improving from his surgery. It is difficult to see so much bad in the world these days but we can still do our part for the good in reaching out and caring for one another and of course for our sweet furry babies! Take care my friend!

  2. What problematic times you’ve had recently. Hope everyone stays well.

  3. It is good to read your blog today. I am glad you and your gud dogs are back! I always have to chuckle about Agatha and Winston and all of the cute and funny things they do.

  4. Welcome back! Hope you are feeling better and avoiding any more trips to the hospital. Hope your brother is recovering smoothly also. The gud dogs look terrific as usual! Take care!

  5. The red solo cups on top of your Cactus are the cutest thing I've seen this week (Well, aside from that side eye photo of Agatha) and absolutely genius. So very sorry to hear of your brother's heart situation. You and your family have certainly had a winter full of challenges! Sincerely hope you're feeling better too friend Gayle. Was so relieved to have you check in with us all. X

  6. What a coincidence Gayle - I was thinking of you earlier today and wondering where you had got to. I hope your brother is recovering well. I agree there is so much going on in the world it is a dreadful place at present.

  7. Understandable that you'd been quiet.

    Those two are a delight.

  8. Gayle, you've been on my mind a lot lately. Thanks for the update.
