Friday, May 14, 2021

Square Dog Friday, but it is a dry heat !

No rain and hot weather, Two big fries north of Phoenix and a fire just south of us at Bisbee plus many small fires, all over Arizona. 
This weekend we will be having Dry Thunderstorms to the east. This is a thunderstorm that produces thunder and lightning when the precipitation evaporates before reaching the ground. Dry Lightning strikes are  major causes of many wildfires.This will be a bad weekend.

So it starts again much too early with no rain.

Finally planted some Amaryllis bulbs (from the posh Garden Shop) that I have had since November. They are growing like crazy.

Miss Agatha is helping.

We had no wildflowers this spring but our Cactus Blooms are fabulous.

Pincushion Cactus in  Daughter's garden

Prickly Pear Cactus Bloom. Paper thin petals of great beauty 

Cholla Cactus (Jumping Cactus)


My sweet Ba Boo ! 

 As always here is your pretty to start the week.

MADGE ! ! !

I adore Madge ! She is my hero.

cheers, parsnip




  1. Oh my goodness! You definitely gave me some smiles today! Those Madge pictures are hilarious. You have the most beautiful flowers. And of course Agatha and iWinston always make me feel good! Enjoy your weekend my friend!

  2. Wonderful caactus blooms. Scary thunderstorms. Stay safe dear old friend and look after those sweet Baboos.

  3. Cactus flowers are some of the most exquisite flowers I've ever seen. We don't get many of the really dramatic ones on the terrace. Had them in our garden in San Diego and we'd get up in the middle of the night to see some of the big blooms that didn't last until morning. Amazing.

    1. The Bloom Watch/Bloom Night is going on right now at Tohono Chul one night only Peniocereus greggi They have the nation's largest collection. I would like to see it one time. End of May to late june. The flower are wonderful

  4. I love Madge and all the beautiful flower photos! Wishing you a wonderful weekend friend Gayle. X

  5. Your photos are gorgeous. It's terrible that you have to live with the constant fear of fire. Madge is hilarious.


    1. I hate to say this but I have no fear of the fires. Once you lose everything what is left ? I Hate the destruction of the land and wildlife.

  6. I never realized that cacti bloom so much! Beautiful to see! Thanks for sharing.
    Please stay safe!

  7. Prickly Pear flowers are lovely!
