Friday, September 18, 2020

Square Dog Friday... what the hell ?

Blogger will not let me post any photos and is messing everything up. ihamish is sort of fine leg is healing. I hope you all all Safe and Be Well cheers, gayle


  1. I am so sorry this is happening! Glad the leg is healing. I send you good wishes to be well and happy and for blogger to cooperate.

  2. They keep changing things and it is a pain. I'm glad to hear his leg is healing. I hope you are feeling better too! Take good care Gayle!

  3. Can't tell how things are going to work from one day to the next. I'm on Wordpress, but commenting on blogger is a constant surprise.

  4. Glad the leg is healing. Much love to you all. Pat

  5. I've been forced onto the new blogger.

    I recommend being patient. It will work, it's just frustrating.

    1. Forced is the word !
      Gosh I need to talk to you. They post all the photos in the wrong order and will not let me make them bigger or move them. Why is the type so messed up
      My son who lives in Japan will log on to my computer and try to help me.

    2. Hopefully you can sort through it. The first few posts might take time. It is possible to make them bigger; I had problems with it and was able to find a solution with Blogger help.

      You can also center your text. I suggest in a draft, running your mouse over each icon and seeing which words show up when that happens. That does help.

  6. Every time things get new and improved, it's an ordeal. That's great news about Winston!

  7. I hear many bloggers have troubles after they switched to the new Blogger. I hope you can fix the issue. Glad to hear Winston’s leg is healing.

    Have a great weekend xo
