Friday, September 25, 2015

Square Dog Friday sorta of. . .

Hello Everyone !
Not back yet, start up date 5 October 
Japanese son sent me this clip and thehamish and I
wanted to share it.

Man builds 'dog train' to take stray dogs on adventures

 Mr. Bostick is 80 years old amd lives in Forth Worth, Texas.
He and his brother have been taking care of the wildlife around
their home for over 30 years.
They started taking in all the stray dogs that
 (mean, stupid, idiots, my words) are dumped on their road.
The brothers wanted to take the dogs on trips.  Mr. Bostick came up with 
this idea after seeing a tractor pulling a cart.  
They said that the dogs get so excited about their weekly train rides.
I love these brothers !

thehamish sents wurfs
and chkikin' strips to all

thehamish is doing fine but he misses his Watson
I miss him too !
 wurfs. . . parsnip
music. . . Happy,  Pharrell

Monday, September 21, 2015

A Beautiful Morning and A Thank You

Not ready to come back to the blogging world 
so much to do and catch up with and grieve but
this morning was so wonderful I had to post a photo.
Monsoon Season is officially over but a few tropical storms can pop up 
here and there. 
We desert dwellers love this extra blessings of rain. 
Today at noon when I took this photo it was a cool, for Tucson, 74
beautiful overcast gray day with a drizzling rain gently falling.
A real treat for me. 
A few doors were open to let in the soft sweet air in.
A real treat living where I do. It is usually to hot to leave the doors open
because every critter you don't want in your home will walk in.
From scorpions, wolf spiders and the odd snake or two.

So to have a door open today was wonderful.
Reminds me very much of the day Dr. Watson died.
Just a sweet beautiful day.

I will be back to blogging in a few weeks after I catch up.
I would like to Thank everyone who left such lovely and wonderful
comments on Watson's post and e-mails.
I have read them many time as my tears fell and they comforted me.
I tried to answer each one but it was very hard.
Several friends of friends and a few new people that I don't know 
left heartfelt notes. 
They were very appreciated.

tears . . . parsnip
music. . . Running Up That Hill,  Placebo

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Goodby Sweet Watson.

On Saturday September 5th
a very cool beautiful morning with a light mist falling, 
Dr. Watson died at home surrounded by the people who loved him.

As Adam held him the doctor first gave him an injection to relax him 
and help with the pain and then the last injection to free him from pain.
We knew his arthritis in his hip and leg was getting worst but
he seemed to rally when Japanese family came for a visit.
His special little person Mia was here.
As soon as they left he took a turn for the worst. Watson was pulling inward.
Sleeping most of the day, rapid breathing and not eating.
He started to be constantly with Adam, his person.
Sleeping most of the day on his bed.

Another trip to the doctor showed he had a extremely painful 
 form of fast moving, invasive bone cancer that was spreading.
At 17 (about 95) I had no choice but to relive him of his pain. 
Adam took him on one last walk, mostly carrying him
To his favorite places to look for bunnies and sniff the flowers.

Adam  asked if I could make his favorite pancakes.

Which he ate and seemed to enjoy.

One of his last photos with a new toy.

 We will be looking for a flowering bush/tree to plant by the pond that I can see
from my computer desk.
Watson loved looking at and sniffing flowers, watching the bunnies,
birds and chipmunks that come every day.
We will put his ashes and Kirby's the Scotty he was a companion to
just like Sherlock Hound.  They are/will be together again.
I will not be blogging for some time.
If you noticed I have already cut down on the amount of posts
to spend more time with Watson.
I need some time to regroup.
I always thought that even with Watsons age, 
thehamish would leave us first.
Extremity offensive language that I do not say or write. 

 Dealing with all of Watson's  problems
and the concern and heartbreak that comes with it.
I am having some misgivings with blogs.
One wonderful blog I usually read every morning had one
of his too clever commenters calling me a fucking american.

Now if he would have said fucking american government
I would have let it pass. I rarely agree with my government.
But to say I am a fucking american ?
Does he know me and my life ?
Plus he conventionally forgot what his country the UK has been doing
 in this region before WW1 is rather one sided.
But typical.
One of his friends then attacked me when I protested

So I have to step back,  regroup and think.
My heart is broken and I have been in tears since last Monday.
I know in my brain it was the right decision for Watson
but my heart  doesn't know that yet.
I miss my sweet baaboo.

I will not be commenting on all your wonderful blogs for now.
I want to rest.
I have had a month long migraine. 

Thank you for all the wonderful comments.
cheers, gayle

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday In Tucson, more monsoon madness !

Just a few photos from the last few days.
It really is monsoon madness here !



These two photos show how the mountains are greening up with all the rain.


Nice misty rain

that turned to golden fat raindrops,

that came zooming towards me.


And here is your pretty for the day.

 rain. . . parsnip
music. . . Open Your Eyes,  Snow Patrol