Monday, July 9, 2012

parley view parsnip....

The Monday post about what is going on around my home...

Remember the lime green seed pods from the Palo Verde Tree ?


Well this is what they look like now
dry, brown and the seeds are all so very tasty to the birds, chipmunks and squirrels.

Clouds from the rain storm on the 4th of July over the Catalina Mountains

changing as the day went on

clouds to the west 

Clouds lifting as the storm clears

but a few small clouds hanging on

Rainbow over the Catalina Mountains.

 Love this view as  I walk from my studio past my kitchen to my living room, library and bedrooms. You can barley see the mountains, it was raining.
 I always look out this window towards the fountain and to the mountains.
I am not sure if you can call a kitchen serene but it seem that way to me.

I have a chair that I sit in outside under the kitchen window.
This is one of my favorite places to sit and watch the sky change,  the fountains, the birds and of course
The Square Ones.

Here is your pretty to start the week

This was a fast moving storm at evening a few weeks ago.
It was really too dark for my little point and click
and the photo came out black.
I never delete any of these black photos till I play with the setting.
You never know what is hiding under all that black.
Maybe not so pretty as kind of interesting. 
Could be a good way to start off the week !

raining . . parsnip
music. . . Heavy Clouds No Rain,  Sting
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  1. I love the rain cloud sequence over the mountains. I expect the Square Ones were not too happy when thunder and lightening arrived?

    1. Thunder and lightening really doesn't phase The Square Ones. They sorta sleep through it. It there is a loud bang they will look around for a nanosecond then go back to sleep. I guess all the Scottish Heritage kicks in.
      I love my dogs they are a hoot !

  2. Very ominous skies!

    Some dogs have problems with storms... others are fine with it.

    1. The Square Ones really have more problems over the amount of chicken strips they are getting. Storms not so much.

  3. oh gud, a photo of the boys! i love the other stuff but you know me, i love to see what the gud ones are up to!

    smiles, bee

  4. Replies
    1. I took some photos of a storm the first year I moved back to Tucson. I was trying to get some lighting photos. You can do it but you have to take about 100 photos with my little point and click anyways.
      I had about 10 photos and when I went in and tried to see what was under all that black, there were some of the most beautiful photos of storm clouds I have ever seen. Much like the Images of the Rosette Nebula and Helix Nebula taken at Kitt Peak Observatory (near where I live, my Dad work on the telescopes) and the Helix Nebula taken by NASA... I am a star nerd !
      Maybe my net post will be about the clouds... instead of my feeling about the Border problems in Arizona.

  5. I'm way way behind this week!
    It is fun isn't it fiddling with photos. It is just a recent ability app for me. I particularly like the 'warmify':)
