Friday, September 28, 2012

Square Dog Friday. . . spoiling Watson !

                                          Well it is Friday, best day of the week.
                                                          So lets woof it !

                                         Watson loves looking out any window.
So, in my studio under the work table by the window looking out to where the citrus trees are I have put a window in for him. He will have lots to look at with bunnies, quail, javelinas plus a wandering bobcat and mountain lion or two.

                 The window and repaired wall have been roughed in. Paint still to come.

                                                       Yes, what do I see ?

                                                           I will just wait....

                                ummmmmmmmmmmmm whot aboutthehamish woe is me

             does igets awindow ? where is gud dug hamish window to see gudstuff ?
                                                               woe is me

                                     Here is another Square Dog  addition to my home.
This is looking from my bedroom to my bathroom. Under the shelve is a doggie door into the next room.  New matching tile is going in that room. To the right is the tub and step in shower. Behind the tub is a toilet and sink. To the left is a sink and my closet.

When I bought this home the two master bedroom where connected to each other by a big shared bathroom. I ripped out walls moved sinks, showers and doors. So now each room has a bathroom and closet.
But the Square Ones loved running around the house and zooming through that open door that was being closed off by a wall. So I put a doggie door in. Son leaves it open but a basket can close it off when guest drop by.

My children all say that they can't wait to see how a Real Estate Agent explains all the little quirks in my home.  Wahahahahahahaha... what a hoot !

                                                       running. . . parsnip
                                       music. . . A Day In The Life,  Jeff Beck



  1. Hello Gayle;
    Certainly, in the eyes of an estate agent, these little extras might require a certain amount of imaginative description to explain them fully to prospective buyers. But then again, it is your home and we think that it is perfectly splendid that it is adapted to how you wish to live. And wonderful for The Woofs!!

    1. Exactly, this is my home and I really don't care about resale. What I am/will be doing is just for me and the Square Ones.

  2. Isn't it remarkable how we'll bend over backwards to cater to the four legged critters we share our lives with?

    1. It makes me happy to spoil the Square Ones. Especially Dr. Watson who is/will not be getting better. So what ever I can do to make his life more fun, I am doing.
      When I lived in Laguna Beach the door to the back yard was always open so he could enjoy the day. Here in Tucson I have to be careful even in the daytime when they are in the back yard. But there is always something to see, so that is good.

  3. i love fridays here as you know! those square boys are spoiled but they deserve it! ha ha


    smiles, bee

    1. They are very spoiled but very sweet. They love everyone.

  4. That is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. His own personal window!! OMG, you are the nicest mommy on the planet!

    1. Eve, if Fiona sees this, she's going to want one, too!

    2. The room that has the shared doggie door has a floor to ceiling window. When son is home he always opens the screen so that Watson can look out to the front yard. So he has two windows to look out of.
      His is our gud old dug Watson.

  5. I love your house...and especially the additions you made for the Square Ones!

    Sam used to have a bay window all his own.

  6. Your house is lovely. I love the window idea. Sir Poops and Hair Ball have two sliding windows to look out of.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. All gud doggie must have gud windows to look out of.

  7. I'm going to start saying "woe is me" in honor of hammie. ;)

    1. hahahahahahahahahaha
      hammie leads such a great life ! we should all be so lucky.

  8. I think the word "spoil" is an understatement here Parsnip.
    Two lucky dogs I would say.

  9. Good idea having a window on ground level for a dog, as they can't jump up onto a sill the way a cat can.

  10. I love the little window. How cute!

  11. Lucky Watson!
    By the way, we have the same bathroom sink!
    Greetings from Buster and me!
