Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday In Japan. . . Year of the Ram !

Lucky me that my Wednesday Japaneses Blog falls on New Years Eve.
If you have followed this blog for any time you know Japanese Son 
sends me every Christmas, the animal of the new Zodiac year. 

This time it is Year of the Ram.
 Isn't he beautiful
 What a lovely Ram
 Even the box is wonderful.
I have used the boxes to wrap gifts and make postcards.
Every year along with my Chistmas Cards. I make a New Year card to send out.
New Year is the Holiday in Japan. Much like our Christmas.
And everyone sends out New Year postcards.
Some unforeseen problems popped up in December, throwing off all my plans.
With the weeks leading up to Christmas and the New Year
a flurry of phone calls, new real-estate lawyer, great finical help (Thank You, Liz and Andy) and some very unnecessary grinch people.
E-mail, faxes and one last mintue run to FedX with Son and just 10 mintues to spare.
This also included a plan where if he saw me waving he was to throw
his body in front of the last FedX pick-up till my papers got into the truck.
Whew !
Because of this many friends did not get a Christmas or New year Card.
Sorry,  I just ran out of time.
Next year will be better.
And just because I can here is you mid week pretty.
One last look at my Christmas Tree with colored lights and the bird origami that 
Daughter made that I use every year.

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu
Happy New Year !

cheers. . . parsnip
music. . . In The Blink Of A Eye,  Christopher Cross


  1. You've got great kiddos, Parsnip. Here's to 2015 being filled
    with lots and lots more fun. Cheers & Boogie Boogie.

  2. Cute ram, Parsnip!

    Happy New Year to you, the family, and the Square Ones!

  3. That's the cutest ram I've ever seen! Pretty tree, too!

  4. Beautiful!

    Happy New Year, Gayle!

  5. I love the ram. The new year will be my daughter's zodiac year. 12 years sure went by quickly!

  6. Wishing you all the best for 2015. I too think your ram is very cute :)


  7. Gayle Happy New Year to you too. What a lovely gift that Ram. Japanese are masters in wrapping package. Real work of art.
    Hope the new year will bring you nothing but good things.

  8. Happy new year to you and thank you for your visits on my blog!

    ♥ Franka

  9. Love the ram and his bobble head...adorable. Wishing you and your family and those square ones a happy and healthy New Year. X

  10. The ram is so cute and I love your tree with origami birds!
    Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2015!

  11. Okemashite Onedetou!! Happy year of ram! My boss is born on ram year so he'll be 60. We are planning big birthday cake for him :-)
    I wish the new year will bring you and your family much joy, laughter and happiness!!

  12. What a cute Ram! Thanks for sharing your tree too. Happy New Year!
