Friday, April 6, 2012

Square Dog Friday...

It is Friday, so lets woof it !
Hamish's big search...

ball ball ball ballballball i saw ballhere!

must findball ball....

lookin' where is ball...

Watson... you know nice tall person, there are times I just don't understand the hamish.
We found and played with the ball just last week.
How can he get in there and turn around ?

yert !
no ball i sad verysad really sad sadsadsad woe is me...
need chkikin' strip
so sad...

sad. . . parsnip
music. . . Mr. Pitiful,  The Commitments
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  1. noballwhat???sadyesballgonebadyertyertyert...

    smiles, bee

    1. Hamish does remember stuff, just not in the correct order. He can be easily distracted but remembers the ball. Plus if you start playing with one ball you can't change to a different one... he wants the first one and will search for it till he or I finds it.

  2. That seems more like something a cat would do.

    1. I have always said Scotties are the cats of the Dog World !
      Plus you know they are earth/burrow dogs, they chase the rabbits, voles, snakes, anything that lives in the ground. Hamish especially love to burrow under the huge pillow I have on the floor for them.

  3. Hamish and Watson are stars
    not to mention the miniature HUMAN who is beyond star!

    Happy Easter and love to all

  4. Full marks for his persistence and I'm sure Watson enjoys his antics like an indulgent elder brother.

  5. No ball? No problem...he'll just settle down in the last known whereabouts to dream!

  6. Happy Easter to you all, ball or no ball!

  7. You know, those cabinets remind me of my aunt and uncle's place... they've got several cabinets like that with sliding doors...

    Hamish and Watson would have lots of fun!

  8. hee hee...
    This pair is in absolute and total command of Chez Parsnip, no doubt about it!
