Friday, December 7, 2012

Square Dog Friday... Christmas Lights

It is Friday already, best day of the week according
to some Little Black Square Dogs.
So lets woof it1

unnmmmmmm nice tall person who feeds us had us sit for more pictures
by Christmas lights...
whot she thinkin'
it is black outside how you goin' to be seein' little black square duggie ?
there better be some chkikin' strips!

now you seein' us good
and i'm not seein' any chkikin' strips...

here is old gug duggie Watson
he is really fluffy liken little bear
hes' lookin' like he running in the highlands of scotland

so fluffies he's overgrownin'
mum nice person who feeds us not takin' us to groommers
some new person in van is comin' to our home to take care of us
maybe not so hard on gud old dug watson better for him

i'm looking overgrown so i'm gettin' groomered too.

i gots lots of hair needin'
herbel body wrap as mum calls it.
not knowin' what that is but it feelin' gud
and there better be chkikin' strips after...

nice postcard from japan it gots a panda walking a gud square black dug
this is gud to gets in the mail not known whats postcard is but likin' the pitcure.
still not seein' any chikikin' strips

that all today from thehamish
yert !

lighting. . . parsnip
music. . . Christmas Time Is Here,  Vince Guaraldi Trio
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  1. I am sure those two boys thoroughly enjoy your Christmas lights Parsnip - and any Christmas treats that come their way.

  2. Such a lovely home, Gayle, and two much too cute for their own good Square Ones!

  3. you boys are so adorable! yert!

    smiles, bee

  4. Love the guard dogs by the front door. It all looks so different at night.

  5. I'll echo what William said. Lovely home, even more adorable Square Ones!

  6. Love the postcard and you just reminded me that Fiona' outside in the dark. Love the photos too. Bye!

  7. I loved their silhouette-ishness in the first one! And for goodness sake, get the chikkin!

    Lovely stuff. It's so weird, Titus' hair never grows. Recommend a Border for we minimal groomers.

  8. Love the silhouettes it's the ears! But I would as a german shepherd gal wouldn't I?
