Thursday, November 14, 2024

I am late !

Just a few last of summer photos.


Small update....
I have been on bed rest I ripped a nerve in my back. Then we had a Gas Leak in the home
3 weeks with no hot water. Using a camping shower kinda fun if not for all the pain.

Yea me !


My Bravo Two !



  1. Too bad Bravo Two couldn’t fix the gas leak and wait on you! Hope you’re feeling better. Ripped a nerve? That has to hurt!

    1. almost 3 weeks and the new meds are kicking in thank goodness.
      Bravo two is working hard when they are not sleeping.

  2. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your ripped nerve! I never heard about that before but it sounds terribly painful. Gas leak sounds scary and worse timing when you have a hurt back. Hope all is on the mend now and you have no more troubles!

    1. It has a name but ripped nerve just sounds like it feels ! I have had a run of health problems.Thank you for the good wishes

  3. Hang in there, Parsnip. Love your Bravo Two!

  4. Oh dear, Parsnip, that is not good news. I hope you are on the mend and able to relax in some hot water! Love to the 4 paws.

  5. Just popping in to wish you and your gud dogs a Merry Christmas!

  6. Also just popping in to wish you a Happy Christmas and New Year. Hope you are healing and will have a better year next year x

  7. Bravo Two ready to rock and roll. I hope you heal quickly.

  8. Sorry to read about the nerve in your back. Healing wishes.
