Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday in Japan. . . Messengers Of God

 Gorogoro &Nikonuko   latest blog reminded me of my posts here of 
Nara and the Deer who live there. 
As Messengers of the Gods they are allowed all over the land and parks around 
 A very tiny and lovely Messenger of God.
 You have cookies ?
See the only gray haired lady watching ?  That me !
Stands sell Cookies to feed the Deer.

 I am so sweet !
Need cookie !
 Daughter buying cookies with three friends.
 Keep moving Molly
 move faster
 If you bow to a Deer of Nara they will bow back.
 They are very polite when not chomping on cookies.
 I like you, are you getting cookies ?
 I like you very much.
 We all like cookies.
Keep moving moving Adam.
 Now Japanese son  has cookies.
 And so it begins
 cookies and Deer
 run David
Love the couple in the back giggling 
run  twist and turn

 run run David run
 run daughter run
 see no cookies but keep moving.
The only blurry photo I have of the Deer crossing the street.
I was standing at the light waiting to cross the street.
As I looked to the left, in the group of people waiting with me there was a Deer. 
Like us he was just waiting to cross the street, punch in his time card and go to work. 
All that was missing was a latte.

And here is your pretty for mid-week.
Moon rise over Thimble Mountain.
I hope to see the Blood Moon tonight.
But it seems I never get the terrific huge moon photos.
But I will try to snap a photo or two.

cookie. . . parsnip
music. . . Tom's Dinner,   Suzanne Vega


  1. Lots of people must feed those deer to make them as tame as that. Jolly good photographs Gayle.

    1. The cookie stand ladies train the babies to eat the cookies.
      They are sweet but they will bite your fingers if you don't hold the cookies right.
      There is a sign that shows you how to hold the cookie.
      If you don't have a cookie they keep walking.
      Although I was standing near a man who was feeding the Deer and I got nipped on the leg.
      There are people everywhere sweeping to keep the walkways clear.

  2. I love those deer. They are so cute!

    1. They are Bambi and your just want to pick up the babies and hug them

  3. Lovely to see your pictures. I will be going to Nara and spending a couple of days there and I'm looking forward to seeing the deer.

    1. Take some photos for us, keep the fingers and hands up. And keep walking.
      Have fun !

  4. Replies
    1. You just want to keep petting them but have to be careful.
      When we were there two males were fighting but it was off in the park (Japanese son photos) to the right and not right at the walk leading to the Temple.

  5. We have been to Nara and the Todai-ji Temple. A marvellous building. We fed the deer as well, you have to be quick though or they bite, one of our group got quite a bite on the arm when she wasn't feeding her biscuits out fast enough.


    1. I was nipped on the thigh and the bruise stayed for a very long time.

  6. Love your pictures and posts. So glad William Kendall always posts a link so I can see them.

    1. Hi Carol !
      So happy you stopped by. Hope all the family is well !

  7. Wow, the wild is right out of those deer.

    1. They are "tameish" but as Messengers of the Gods who is going to say go away ?

  8. Awwww thank you for posting about your Nara visit! Those deer are such dear messengers, aren't they? :-) What a fun post and your photos are wonderful. Love the one of your daughter buying cookies for deers! When in Nara, I was amazed deers won't try to eat cookies that are sitting on cookie stands and eat only from people who bought cookies. But yes, once you have cookies, they are all over you :-) Great capture of deers crossing the street!
    The photo of moon over mountain is beautiful. I hope you got to see Blood Moon. Have a lovely day!

  9. Loved these photos - indeed Bambi springs to mind.

  10. How wonderful to be able to feed the deer. I love your moonrise image! I haven't been able to catch a glimpse of the blood moon through all the clouds, so glad for the rain though.

  11. I wish we had them here! Love the photos, Gayle!
