Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hello Hello Hello !

 So much to tell but really who wants to listen to me tell tales of all my trips to doctors, labs, tests more tests and pills. Lots of drugs and none of them fun. Four Months of Doctors.

The only one that is the really really really awful is the lost of vision and pain in my right eye. I have problems with anythings up close. reading drawing and painting is very interesting and somewhat painful.

So.... I have decided to try to keep up a much smaller blog. I have enjoyed  blogging so much but the last few years have been hard on brain and eyes. So smaller posting and some photos.

I have a very funny and weird test results that when I feel much better will post.


                                                                    Monsoon clouds.

How can this be comfortable ?

cheers !


  1. It's so wonderful to see you here again!! And the gud dugs, too!! Please give them kisses from me.

  2. Wow! So very happy to see a new post. Was getting quite worried. Hugs to you and those gud dugs. X

  3. Just to say a heartfelt thank you dear Gayle for the bowl of cacti which stands proudly in my hearth and fools everyone until they get close. I shall think of you, Winston and Agatha often as I continuee on my last journey. Love to you all.

  4. SO good to see you online again! I have been thinking about you!

  5. I too am so happy to see you here again. I was worried about you but kept looking as I felt sure you would return. Lovely photos.

  6. Oh, I am glad to see a post from you and your gud dogs! I am sorry you have been going through health issues and hope the doctors have helped you with your troubles. I am happy to see your gud dogs looking so good! Your photos are always amazing and dramatic. You really made me smile this morning with your post. Thanks so much!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I'm sorry about all the trouble you're having. It's lovely to see a post from you. What delightful pictures, especially of the gud dogs!

  9. It's wonderful to hear from you again! I'm sorry you've been through awful
    medical problems and hope you are soon pain free.Your dogs are
    adorable, hope you get and stay happy,-Mary

  10. Love all your pics, especially of the gud dogs :) Hope you're recovering well from all your troubles.

  11. It is good to see you again. I'm sorry about your medical issues.
